Zwei Teams spielen Beachvolleyball im Segelcamp

Juni bis September 2024
Beach Volleyball Company Cup

This year, the 16th Beach Volleyball Company Cup at the sailing camp will once again see plenty of "dredging" and "kicking"! Strong teams will find their sporting balance at the joint "Beachen & Baggern".

© Kiel Marketing e.V.

2024 season

The popular beach volleyball company cup, in which companies from the Kiel area compete against each other at the net for the 16th time this year.

The tournament starts at the end of June with an open training session as a joint kick-off without qualifying match days. The first match day takes place a week later and ends with the final match day in September - making the Beach Volleyball Company Cup part of the sailing camp program throughout the season.

The official dates will follow shortly. Stay tuned!

28 Mixed Teams
Mixed Teams
4 players in each case
players in each case
16+ Minimum age
Minimum age
© Kiel Marketing e.V.
Icon eines Volleyballs in der Luft

April 2024

Interested teams can apply for a starting place by e-mail in April.

To register, please send us the following documents:

  • the completed registration form
  • the signed rules of participation
  • the completed photo consent form

The above-mentioned registration documents will follow shortly.

Mixed teams with four players per team (at least one man*woman) may participate. Alternate players are possible.

Starting places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Participants will receive an invoice with their registration confirmation and a match schedule with the relevant dates before the first match day.

© Kiel Marketing e.V.

Your contact person:

 Greta-Sophie Strauß, Project Manager Event Management & Social Media<br>Mail: <a href=""></a><br>Tel: 0431-9012909